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How do I get to Perpignan by bike?

Via Euro-vélo 8 :

Perpignan is around 14 km from the Euro Vélo 8 cycle path, with the nearest connection at Sainte-Marie-La-Mer.

This European cycle route links Spain to Italy along the Mediterranean Sea.

Click on the link below to find out more: 


To know the structuring links & installations in built-up areas and at the level of the department:

Perpignan Méditerranée Métropole and the Conseil Départemental des PO offer you a map of existing cycling facilities in the area:

Greater Perpignan: https: //perpignan-mediterranee.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=d3d97c9556ae46a5899d66c70d7621ea

Pyrénées-Orientales department: https: //www.tourisme-pyreneesorientales.com/experience/velos-0

The Accueil Vélo quality mark

Obtained in 2023, for 2 years, this is a national brand that guarantees a welcome, services and specific facilities adapted to the needs of cycling tourists along France's cycle routes.